The party's over, the tree is gone and the decorations are packed away for another year. We've had our fun and now it's time to pay the piper.
If you're like me and the scales are telling you that perhaps you gave into those yummy temptations a few too many times over the holidays, it may be a good idea to join me in a little exercise program to help shed that extra pound or two.
There are of course many options - from Pilates to kickboxing and everything in between.
Not being much of a fitness buff, I wouldn't pretend to know which of these is the most effective, but there is one simple little exercise that always seems to work for me; and in the spirit of giving, I thought I'd share it with you today.
You won't need to fork out for a gym membership, new outfit, or special classes for this one. In fact, this is likely best practiced in the comfort of your own home among family and friends.
There is just one caution I must highlight: Always remember to exercise responsibly.
and a one...
and a two...
and a three...
Wishing you and yours health, wealth, happiness and great service in the New Year!
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