Given the events of the past year or so, these findings should come as no big surprise to anyone. Current economic conditions have certainly changed the way employers view and manage their workforce; and this in turn has changed the way employees view their employers.
According to the latest IPSOS Reid Workplace Loyalty Study, a full 36% of the employees in companies that have cut programs and reduced their workforce feel considerably less loyal to their employer; notwithstanding the fact they themselves were spared; and apparently this loss of loyalty is as common among executives and managers as among regular workers.
Unrealistic sales targets, lack of recognition, poor communications, autocratic management, toxic work environments, poor job security, limited development opportunities are among the major reasons cited as per why so many are unhappy to the point of wanting to leave.
Conventional wisdom tells us the best and brightest will be the first to go... followed closely by their customers.
Ironic how less than two years back, most employers were concerned over the demographics and worrying how they would hold their own in the inevitable war for resources. While this economic meltdown may have put those concerns on the back burner for a while, the demographics have changed little. Now companies are just that much closer to having to go to war… and a significantly larger number of their home troops are looking to change sides when they do.
Who knows when the economy will pick up, but it doesn’t take a crystal ball to predict that when it does, employers that haven’t take proactive steps to win back the love are going to have some serious staffing and retention challenges!
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