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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year - What Will It Bring?

At the risk of sounding like an old fuddy-duddy, I predict that as we continue to crawl out of this recession through 2011, we will see a return to the fundamentals in the corporate world.

What I mean is by this is a return to values based management; a rebirth of corporate and social responsibility; a renewed focus on sustainable growth versus quick profits; a resurrection of the bias for employee development over cost cutting; and perhaps most exciting of all, a resurgence of customer care and great service!

Do I think this will happen in companies across the board? Of course not! That would be naive and wishful thinking. But it will happen for those with leaders bright enough to learn from the lesson of the past, brave enough to bring back what was good and strong enough to always take the high road as they move forward.

That's my prediction. What's yours?

All the very best in 2011!

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