In this world of ever
increasing commoditization,
key to winning the battle of
the marketplace is a clearly
differentiated (and better)
customer experience
Question: How is it that a person will spend over three dollars for a cup of coffee at a trendy coffee shop when that same cup of coffee could be enjoyed at an upscale hotel for two dollars and fifty cents, a casual restaurant for a buck and a half, a fast food place for a dollar, or in the comfort of your own home for a total cost of about twenty cents?
Answer: It’s not about coffee . . . it's about the customer experience!
Think about it. Regardless of what you are buying, your decision as per whom you buy it from is more dependent on the total value proposition (convenience, service experience, image, ambiance, trust, packaging, etc.) than it is about the product or price.
The same holds true for almost any product. Take financial products and services for example. You can get a mortgage, open an RRSP, or receive financial advice from any number of financial services providers ...and all for pretty much the same price. Why do you bank where you do?
Long gone are the days when all you had to do was build a better mousetrap and customers would beat a path to your door. Today, new and improved product and service offerings can be replicated by the competition in a matter of days, if not hours. Now, to get the customer to come to you, and stay with you, you must present a better total value proposition!
That is what customers are really buying and knowing what customers are really buying is key to selling more of it!
Answer: It’s not about coffee . . . it's about the customer experience!
Think about it. Regardless of what you are buying, your decision as per whom you buy it from is more dependent on the total value proposition (convenience, service experience, image, ambiance, trust, packaging, etc.) than it is about the product or price.
The same holds true for almost any product. Take financial products and services for example. You can get a mortgage, open an RRSP, or receive financial advice from any number of financial services providers ...and all for pretty much the same price. Why do you bank where you do?
Long gone are the days when all you had to do was build a better mousetrap and customers would beat a path to your door. Today, new and improved product and service offerings can be replicated by the competition in a matter of days, if not hours. Now, to get the customer to come to you, and stay with you, you must present a better total value proposition!
That is what customers are really buying and knowing what customers are really buying is key to selling more of it!
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